Bare Hand Crafting
Aleshanee Akin$36.00
Bare Hand Knitting introduced techniques for expanding Kindergarten finger knitting to be fully developed projects that can be accomplished without needles. Bare Hand Knitting Volume II goes further with knitting, sewing and embroidery without needles and walks knitters through two-handed knitting without needles. Abundantly illustrated like volume I, careful descriptions, and codes for repeated techniques make this a sure-fire success for even those intimidated by needle knitting! When you say, "I made it by hand!" you will be boasting the literal truth! Join the many hand-knitters who have burst through the barriers of knitting into a plan to knit anywhere, whether you remembered your knitting needles or not!
Waldorf Publications
ISBN: 978-1943582280
Perfect bound
200 pages
8.5 x 11 inches

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