Waldorf Science Kit #14 - Fiber Chemistry, Grade 8 & 9
This Waldorf Science Kit was developed to assist teaching grades 8 & 9 science blocks in the Waldorf Curriculum. This kit contains different materials for fiber experimentation:
10 silk strips
10 cotton strips
10 rayon strips
10 nylon strips
10 acetate strips
10 polyester strips
10 plastic strips
10 burlap strips
10 wool strips
10 acrylic strips
Included are instructions and student lab sheets.
Sold as a set for 10 students.
This Waldorf Science Kit can be used hand and hand with the following resource that includes detailed descriptions of the chemistry block:
The Wonders of Waldorf Chemistry
Science kits are charged actual UPS or USPS charges plus a $3 handling fee. THIS COST IS NOT DISPLAYED ON THE ORDERING PAGE. When you click SUBMIT, you are acknowledging this charge to your credit card. Please call/email if you have questions/concerns before placing your order.
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