Encontrarte a Ti Mismo
Torin Finser$18.00
La sociedad exige demasiado de nuestros maestros hoy. Se espera que las escuelas lidien con una serie de necesidades sociales, frecuentemente con fondos y apoyo inadecuados. Muchos politicos piensan que la solucion es élevar y un mayor escrutinio del desempeño de los maestros. Las presiones externas sobre maestros cuales son sus mecesidades. Muchos estudios han mostrado que el factor de Mayor inmportancia en la educacion es el maestro. En las escuelas Waldorf, los maestros son alentados a crecer profesionalmente a través delcultivos de recursos personales internos. Este pequeño libro tiene la intencion de alentar a los maestros a cuidar de si mismos, meditar y convertirse en fuente de inspiracion para nuestros estudiantes para que juntos podamos attender las necesidades urgentes de nuestros tiempos.
Society demands so much of our teachers today. Schools are expected to deal with a host of social needs, often without adequate funding and support. Many politicians think the solution is to raise standards through additional testing, common core curriculum, and increased scrutiny of teacher performance. The external pressures on teachers and schools are increasing each year, yet few ask the teachers, “What do you need?”
Many studies have shown that the single most important factor in education is the teacher. In Waldorf schools, teachers are encouraged to grow professionally by cultivating inner resources. This booklet is intended to encourage teachers to take care of themselves, meditate, and become a source of inspiration for our students so that together we can address the urgent needs of our time.
Waldorf Publications
ISBN# 978-1-936367-43-6
80 pages
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