Collaborative Leadership May 08 2014

The Pedagogical Section Council (PSC) in its work together provides our Waldorf schools with an active model of collaborative leadership difficult to find in today’s contentious society. Together our Council members study, practice artistically, and consider meditatively the challenges and successes in our Waldorf schools.

Perhaps their deepest and most significant practice is in that of devotion. Their completely volunteer efforts include dedicated imagining of the unfolding human being into the work of Waldorf schools and the practice of Waldorf teachers in their daily consciousness. This might just be the finest gift possible to our movement on behalf of children. In collaborative leadership a model of honesty and respect creates something for children to emulate: a “horizontal leadership” from mutual recognition instead of “top-down” decision-making. This holds a seed of hope for a future that honors the dignity of every human being and the important place each plays in this complex dance of life.

The new book from the PSC Creating a Circle of Collaborative Spiritual Leadership provides rich material to consider this gift the PSC nurtures and ideas for practicing this stimulating, mysterious, rewarding effort to lead with spirit and out of community. Take a look here.