Dear Generous Participants in our Screen-Free September/Waldorf100 efforts! September 30 2019

Today is the last day of Screen-Free (or as Free as Possible) September. Your Screen-Free commitment is a gift to the Waldorf100 celebrations. Thank you all so much for your willingness and success—however, that looked for you!  We plan to continue with this plan for next year. Mark your calendars!

Get ready for a return to ordinary habits of screen use for all of us at Waldorf Publications — or not, if you are lucky enough to continue Screen-Free! Our collaborators at Witten University would be grateful if everyone who participated could take fifteen minutes and answer their questionnaire so that all of our experiences become part of their research.

Here’s their message to us all— become a part of scientific history! Answer the survey from our friends at Witten U.:

Dear participant of the September media fasting (in combination with the Waldorf 100) now that we are nearing the end of the media-fasting we would like to remind those of you who kindly contributed to the research of Witten/Herdecke University in Germany to help us use their data by also filling out the questionnaire for AFTER the media fasting. 

We are planning on comparing the pre/post data to identify the effects of the fasting.

Many thanks for your help. We are very happy about our collaboration.
Silke, Katja and David


Waldorf Publications and RIWE return to post Screen-Free with a mixed reaction of trepidation and relief.  As we reported, giving up hours on the computer squeezed the work a bit, even as it made the day go more quickly and improved moods.

Hooray for our group of intrepid Screen-Free-ers! A warm and happy Michaelmas to you all! 
