Join us for Screen Free September: Take a Break and Get Ready for School! June 30 2019

 The List is Growing!  Join us for Screen Free September: Take a Break and Get Ready for School!

We have received a great deal of thanks for the Screen Free September Project!  Sounds to us like just the right thing for many people and organizations.  Join us!  Just send your name as a participant and we will add you to our growing list!  It’s now international!  Witten University in Germany is our partner in research around this screen free effort for the first days of school and autumn.  Act now!  Don’t wait.  Start planning and sharing your plans for the screen free days of September.  We are planning here at Waldorf Publications. As a publishing house, our days are filled with on screen time, but we will cut this back and practice differently.

SIGN UP NOW: Just send you name to

That’s it!  That’s really it!

Off Screen-ites for September so far include:

Allianz Eliant — commitment to a humane education
Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA)
Dr. Katja Boehm
Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood (CCFC)
Victoria Dunckley, M.D, author of Reset Your Child’s Brain
Richard Freed, M.D., author of The Wired Child
Michaela Glöckler, M.D.
Katarina, Gordana Brzaj, Croatia
Prof Dr. David Martin
Red Hook Middle School, Red hook, NY
Research Institute for Waldorf Education (RIWE)
Chris Rowan CEO for Zone’In Programs, Inc.
Dr. Silke Schwartz
Sarah Voss, Techden, “Love everything about break for screens — get ready for school”
Waldorf Publications (WP)
Witten/Herdecke University, Germany, Herdecke Hospital
Zone In Programs, Inc.