The Waldorf Lantern Walk around the time of Martinmas November 18 2021
Many Waldorf schools host a Lantern Walk in November and around Martinmas, the feast day for St. Martin of Tours — also Veterans’ Day in the United States. St. Martin, the patron saint of beggars and outcasts, was known for his unassuming nature and ability to bring light and warmth to the impoverished. As a general, Martin was known for riding last behind his men to ensure that all were safe before he dismounted in any situation. Martin was a light for all who knew him.
As the days grow short and darkness begins to dominate, the Annual Lantern Walk is a gentle reminder for each of us to find our inner light, nurture it, follow the practices of Martin of Tours, and help that light to shine brighter than ever! Families are invited to gather with their students and handmade lanterns. As darkness falls, the lanterns are lit, and a procession begins. Songs and poems are sung with reverence, and a calm meditative mood is set, reminding us that while our light seems small and fragile, still, it brings relief in the cold and darkness. The darker the situation, the brighter shines the light.